Shreeram Adhikari
5 min readMay 12, 2021
7 ways to change your life

Most of the people want to grow in their life. But what we have to understand is ‘growth is driven by compounding which always takes time.’ Growth in life occurs due to continuous self improvement. The only thing that can happen overnight is failure but success cannot happen overnight.

Continue reading and you will discover 7 — life changing advices which have a great potential to completely change your life, if you apply these things in your daily life. Why to make it longer, Lets jump in the first practice that can make huge impacts in our life.

1)Stop comparing yourself to others

Since your birth, you may thought there are a lot of people successful than you. Yes, it’s true. But when you start comparing yourself to others, you may hide your own strengths and your successes. Make yourself your priority, focus on your own and accept who you are. When you stop comparing yourself to others, your self-esteem will increase. Sometimes comparing maybe motivating, like if you compare yourself to others and start working on being the best version of yourself, it is okay. But most of the time, comparing results to jealousy and hatred, in that case it is destructive. In sum up, it’s better to mind your own business than to comparing your shits to others. Develop learning attitude and move forward.

2)Stop Hanging Out With Losers

Once, the motivational speaker Jim Rohn said “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” So, if you’re hanging out with 5 losers, then the 6th maybe you. I don’t mean losers are those who fail. As my definition losers are those with quitting attitudes and negative mindset, who’re allergic to growth. If you want to grow in life, wanna explore it’s purpose and be successful, then how can you even think that your losers squad gonna give you positive energy? Always remember, the people we surround ourselves with, have the biggest influence on our behaviours, attitudes, and results. Ever heard of this old sayings “if you put a rotten potato and a fresh potato in a sack, after sometimes both will got rotten.’ Now, I hope you get my point.!

3) Stop Spending More Than You Earn

This point is for your personal finance and financial freedom. I believe, Most of the people are trying to achieve financial freedom, as fast as possible. Without financial freedom we cannot be happy in life. I don’t mean, you must earn millions of dollars, but you must have enough to live in this world. In this time, most of the people’s aim is to achieve financial freedom. But think about it, what happens when you spend more than you earn ? The simple answer is, it’s an easy way to accumulate debt and will make your overspending habits harder to break in the future.

By reading so many of the financial books, I concluded that to achieve financial freedom, you must save at least 20% of your income and invest those into assets which generates passive income and the second way is try to live below your means.

If you want to be financially healthy, debt certainly can be your biggest disease which ultimately can kill you. Avoid debt, start budgeting and make a habit of spending less than you earn.

4) Focus On Your Health

You probably have heard this quote “Health is Wealth”. Yes, without good health, your life will turn into living hell. I’m not only talking about physical health, I’m also talking about mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Regardless of what I’m talking about, we must have to understand that health is the main thing our life. If you have bad health, you cannot perform at work, You cannot learn and grow if you have weak mental health. You cannot even walk properly if you have bad health, then how can you even think about ruling the world ? Without good health, we cannot feel good about ourselves. So, to the better self-esteem and better life, you must care about your health. If health is in our favor, we can accumulate anything that maybe riches and successes. But if we’re having bad health, it doesn’t matter what you’ve accumulated.

5) Build A Good Relationships

Be with those people who makes you happy and support you in your both good and bad times. A healthy relationship can decrease stress level and leads to longer life and can make good impact on our emotional and social well-being. As we humans are social animals, we must try to build connections to each others. Relationships doesn’t only mean that relationships with your better half, it includes relationships with all humans and living beings. If you’re in business, you must focus on building relationships with your team-mates, leaders, old customers and as well as with potential customers too. So focus on building a good relationships in your personal life as well as in business, society and with every living begins.

6) Stop Giving Fu*ks & Quit Victim Mindset

“The key to a good life is not giving a fu*k about more, it’s giving a fu*k about less, giving a fu*k about only what is true & immediate & important.” line from Mark Manson’s best selling book ‘The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fu*k’. Stop listening to the world, the life you have to live is different from what society tell you about life. No matter what you do in life, the negative ones will try to pull you down. So, Stop giving your fu*k to those people. Instead giving attention to negative people, start giving better fu*ks which will result in better life. A confident man doesn’t feel a need to prove he’s confident. So, as you’re knowing, you’re doing good in life, stop listening to others.

Another thing to quit in life is Victim Mentality. A person with victim mindset thinks that the whole world is happening to them where the truth is something others. victim mindset is toxic for your growth. Life isn’t always in your favor, you have to acknowledge this. Victim mindset is like weed in your beautiful garden of your mind. Uproot it and move forward.

7) Learn, Apply & Grow

Always learn about world, business, entrepreneurships, self-growth, and everything that makes impacts in our life. Develop a learning attitudes inside you. Try to read books, blogs and even watch some informative YouTube videos on daily basis, which helps you to learn new things. After learning the things, try to apply those knowledges in your real life. Applying these learned things in real life help you to grow in your life-no matter how slowly. Improve yourself 1% daily. A day without small improvements is a day wasted. Develop a growth mindset, learn, apply these things and grow in your life.


Apply these 7 advices to your life and see how your life changes .

Thank you for your time.!

Keep Hustling, Keep Growing.!

For more details, Visit this channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTQ1OgSAqmtc-h3dl2rvKeg

