Shreeram Adhikari
2 min readMay 12, 2021

Bitcoin is in trending worldwide. Although it is criticized in early stage by many of the great names, its demand is increasing nowadays. As of 30 April 2021, one bitcoin equals $58,168 and we all know that, 21 millions bitcoins can be mined, so its market capitalization is over $1 trillion. Founded back in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, its price was less than a dollar in early 2010s.

In recent times, bitcoin was accepted by the world biggest companies like Tesla, Pay pal , Goldman Sachs and many more companies. So by this we can conclude that it will be the currency of future. Here are some of the reasons why bitcoin is Gold 2.0 and you should invest in it.

1)It will be the main currency of the future.

2) It cannot be controlled by third parties like banks, government etc.

Bitcoin was introduced as the peer to peer electronic cash transactions system, in the white paper published by Satoshi Nakamoto back in 2009 and clearly said that there isn’t necessity of third parties during transactions.

3)It is in limited supply.

It was programmed in such a way that only 21 millions bitcoins can be mined in which final bitcoin can unlikely to be mined before 2140 AD.

4)It cannot be hacked like money. (As every transactions are recorded in blocks)

5)It can beat inflation ( As of study, bitcoin grows 30% annually which is far more than inflation rate)

Bitcoin is a digital currency and it is certainly a currency of the future. Also it prevents double spending. Yes, due to high volatile nature of bitcoin, it’s risky to invest in bitcoin for short run but if you want to invest it in for long run, it will definitely give you insane and huge returns.

Thank you for reading.!

Keep hustling and keep growing :)

For More Details, Visit this channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTQ1OgSAqmtc-h3dl2rvKeg

